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Wednesday 16 December 2015

WatchDirectory v4.9.3.E released

A week ago we released version 4.9.3 of WatchDirectory. The last few days we released a few "micro updates" with small fixes and enhancements. Those micro updates do not show when WatchDirectory performs a "check for updates" so if you installed version 4.9.3 when it was released, you may want to install the current update (released today).

New since version 4.9.2

  • The new Print Pdf plugin has a new option to control how documents are resized (or not).
  • Dynamic Naming did not work properly for the new Print Pdf plugin.
  • The Print Pdf plugin does not add "GdP Software PrintPDF" to document names anymore.
  • The Auto ZIP plugin will retry after 10 seconds if one of the files to be zipped is locked.
  • Some (harmless) debugging code removed from Print PDF.
  • On some systems the "Auto Repair" of the history database did not work, the new release fixes this.

Download / Install

Download the current release here. Stop all your tasks and install this new release "on top" of your current installed version so it will keep all your settings and tasks.

Thursday 26 November 2015

WatchFTP v3.7.8 released, free update

We just released a small update for our FTP File Monitor WatchFTP. This is a free update for all customers, just install the current evaluation version "on top" of your install so it keeps your settings and tasks.

This release fixes an issue that caused the WatchFTP Control Center to crash when you try to import a task with an accented name.

Sunday 25 October 2015

WatchDirectory 4.9.2 released - free update

We just released version 4.9.2 of our File Monitoring Program WatchDirectory.

New / Changed in this release

A new plugin has been added so WatchDirectory can now print PDF files directly without need for Acrobat or Foxit Reader. This works more reliable, faster and is easier to setup.

If you use WxRemote's "Last Message" option, WatchDirectory used a very inefficient method to write those LastMessage files. This has been fixed.

The Email Task can now request a read receipt. Note that this depends on the receiver's email client if those receipts will be sent.

When a task starts and it finds that its history database is corrupt, it will automatically repair this database.

Download / Install

Download the current release here. Stop all your tasks and install this new release "on top" of your current installed version so it will keep all your settings and tasks.

Sunday 18 October 2015

WatchFTP version 3.7.7 released, recommended update

Today we released a new version of our FTP Monitoring program WatchFTP.

New in this release

When "Keep FTP Session Log" and/or WxRemote's "Last Message" support is enabled, WatchFTP was using a lot of CPU causing the task to run very slow. This has been fixed and tasks run a lot faster now.

Download / Install

You can Download the latest release here. This is a free upgrade for all customers. Just install this new release "on top" of your current version so your tasks and settings are preserved.

Monday 12 October 2015

WatchDirectory v4.9.2 beta - Print PDF Files

You can now download a new beta version of WatchDirectory.

New in this beta version

This new beta includes a native plugin to print PDF files. Previously WD printed PDF files by calling Acrobat Reader of Foxit Reader to do the actual printing. This new plugin should be more reliable and work faster.

This release also checks to see if the history database is corrupt. The typical reason why it becomes corrupt is a power failure or a forced Windows shutdown. When a task is starting and it finds a corrupt database it will auto-repair it.

Download / Install

See this forum post for download and install information.

Sunday 2 August 2015

WatchFTP version 3.7.6 released

Just released, version 3.7.6 or our FTP Monitor program WatchFTP. This free upgrade fixes a few important issues that could let your tasks crash.

Fixed in this release

  • When you enter a wrong date or time format for the Email Action, the task crashed.
  • Tasks could hang upon computer shutdown, causing Windows to abort the task, causing corrupted task settings and history.


This is a free upgrade for all customers, just download & install the new release after stopping all your tasks. If you install in the same directory as your current release, it will keep all your tasks and settings.

Monday 18 May 2015

WatchFTP v3.7.5 released - Free Update

We just released a new version of our WatchFTP program. This is a free update for our customers, just install this new version "on top" of your current WatchFTP install so it will keep its settings and tasks.
You can download the new version here.

New & Fixed

  • The option to remove empty FTP directories did not work for some FTP servers.
  • Better support for OpenVMS FTP servers.
  • When a download fails halfway, WatchFTP will reconnect and try to resume the download.
  • When you have a task that deletes FTP files after several hours and the file is downloaded a second time (because it has changed), the delete will be delayed again.

Monday 4 May 2015

WatchDirectory v4.9.1 released - free update

We just released a new version of our Directory Monitor program WatchDirectory. This is a free update for all our customers, just download the evaluation version here and install it "on top" of your current install so it will keep all your settings and tasks.

New & Fixed

A serious issue was fixed for the Folder Size task. For some settings it didn't scan subfolders which caused wrong calculations for the total size of files.

New/improved is that you can use the $CALL$ macro to dynamically get the recipients for emails.

Friday 24 April 2015

WatchFTP v3.7.5 beta

We have a new beta version available for our FTP Monitor Program WatchFTP.

Fixed in this beta

There is one issue fixed in this beta. If you use the option Remove the Empty FTP directory on an FTP or FTPS site (SFTP sites are not affected), WatchFTP was not able to remove directories.


You can download this beta from our forum.

Saturday 18 April 2015

WatchDirectory v4.9.1 beta 1

We have a first beta for WatchDirectory v4.9.1 available on our forum.

This new beta now also allows you to use the $CALL$ macro to get the recipients of an email, see the example on the forum.

Did you know we now also have a Spanish language website? WatchDirectory's helpfiles have also been translated to Spanish.

Saturday 7 February 2015

WatchDirectory version 4.8.9 released

We just released version 4.8.9 of our folder monitoring program WatchDirectory. This is a free update if you currently have another v4.x version installed.

New & Fixed in this release

  • New: Use the $CALL$ macro in email tasks to dynamically set the subject and/or body of your emails.
  • Improved: If you use {dynamic naming}, the {drive} variable will now be set to the \\server\share name when monitoring a network share.
  • Improved: The System.Mail (wdPostman) program has been optimized to perform better when combining large numbers of emails.
  • Improved: The Upload to Amazon S3 task handles large files a lot better. It will also automatically retry several times when the http-connection is lost during a transfer.
  • Improved: The Upload to S3 plugin now allows you to select the end-point of your AWS server.
  • Improved: You can now import backups even while tasks are running (you can not import running tasks).
  • Fixed: The WatchDirectory Control Center crashed when you didn't install the help files and tried to create a new task.
  • Fixed: Inlining more than 9 images (using cid:image-root.10) in an html email did not work.

Download & Install

Download the new release here. Stop all your tasks and install this new version "on top" of your current release so it will keep all your settings and tasks.

Friday 30 January 2015

WatchFTP v3.7.4 released

We released a new version of our FTP Monitoring program WatchFTP.

This release fixes a problem that caused WatchFTP to use the LIST command instead of the (more reliable) MLSD command to get directory listings from the FTP server.

Download / Install

You can Download the new version here. Stop all your tasks and the WatchFTP Control Center and install the new version "On Top" of your current install. There is no need to uninstall your current version first.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Call a script to set the subject of an email

The $CALL$ Macro

We just uploaded a new beta for WatchDirectory that has a very nice new feature: The $CALL$ macro which allows you to set (part of) the subject and/or body text of your emails.

This new feature allows you to call a batch script and use its "output" inside your emails.

Example: add the word "Error" to the subject when detected files contain the word "Error"

You could use the following text for the email subject:

$CALL:C:\Scripts\GetSubjectPrefix.bat$ detected file %WD_FILE_N%

The task will call the above script and will set all Environment Variables related to the detected file. Below is the GetSubjectPrefix.bat script:

rem use the FINDSTR command to look for the string Error inside the detected file
FINDSTR /I "Error" "%WD_FILE%"
IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO :ErrorFound
GOTO :ErrorNotFound



The download for this beta is available on our forum.