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Saturday 21 May 2011

Great Customers - Operating Engineers Funds Inc.

Sometimes customers surprise me...

They see the "tag line" of my email (Support the Fight against Alzheimer's disease!, see also this post) and decide to help.

A few days ago, I received this:

Jon Lee ( wrote:
> Just thought you might want to know that we made a donation .  it
> is because of your simple email to me about your mother, Alzheimer feels more personal.
> Thank you for making me more aware of this disorder.
> Jon Lee II
> Director of Information Technology
> Operating Engineers Funds Inc.
> 100 E. Corson St., Pasadena, CA 91103
> From: Linda Hughes
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 4:21 PM
> To: Jon Lee II (
> Subject: Golf Donation
> Congratulations!  Mr. Graydon has selected Alzheimer's
> Association of So. California to receive a donation of $2,000 from
> the tournament proceeds.
> If you have a personal contact which you would like the donation to
> go to, please let me know asap as I will be sending out the check
> by Friday, May 13, 2011.
> Thank you for the charitable suggestion.
> Linda E. Hughes
> Tournament Coordinator
> IUOE Local 12 Charity Golf Tournament
> P. O. Box 7063, Pasadena, CA  91109

A big Thank You to the Operating Engineers Funds Inc. for their donation!

> Thank you for making me more aware of this disorder.

I wonder.... Is that what is lacking? Awareness? I used to ignore Alzheimer's, even make fun of it. If this was an illness affecting young people, I bet research would get all the funds it needs.

Just for a minute, try to imagine it is your mother who is the patient... After that search google for the Alzheimer support group in your country and make a small donation.

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