Here is an example how you can check if a WatchDirectory task is running from inside a batch script. The example relies on Microsoft's Handle.exe to check if there is a wdrun.exe process that has the history database of the given task open.
The wdIsTaskRunning.bat Script
@echo off rem this example script checks if a WatchDirectory task is running rem usage: rem wdIsTaskRunning abc rem this checks if the task abc is running rem rem This script uses Handle.exe ( http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896655 ) rem to see if the history.db file of the task is opened by a wdrun.exe process. rem SET HANDLE=C:\SysInternals\Handle.exe SET TMPFILE=C:\Temp\handle_%RANDOM%.txt "%HANDLE%" -p wdrun.exe \%1\history.db > "%TMPFILE%" FINDSTR /L /C:"No matching handles found." "%TMPFILE%">NUL if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( echo The task %1 is NOT running SET TASKRUNNING=N ) else ( echo The task %1 is running SET TASKRUNNING=Y ) del "%TMPFILE%"
Alternative Implementation
The script above works for all WatchDirectory tasks but it needs Admin privileges to run handle.exe. If the task is configured to run as a Windows Service, you can also parse the output of the NET START command to see if the task is running.
@echo off rem this example script checks if a WatchDirectory task is running rem usage: rem wdIsTaskRunning abc rem this checks if the task abc is running rem rem SET TMPFILE=C:\Temp\netstart_%RANDOM%.txt NET START > "%TMPFILE%" FINDSTR /L /E /C:"watchDirectory:%1" "%TMPFILE%">NUL if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( echo The task %1 is running SET TASKRUNNING=Y ) else ( echo The task %1 is NOT running SET TASKRUNNING=N ) del "%TMPFILE%"
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