I found a nice review of File Viking on the FindMySoft website, it also includes a short video.

...You can easily create several other baskets and assign any action you want to them: copy, delete, email, filter with regular expression, filter by size, filter with * and ? wildcards, convert images, create thumbnail, move, run, uncompress, upload, or ZIP. You can customize the basket you create by giving it a name, description and caption; you can also choose its color, the image it uses, the overlay placement, and the overlay icon.
The functionality File Viking has to offer integrates with the right click context menu. So instead of dragging and dropping a file onto a basket to move it, for example, you can right click it and access the copy basket from the context menu.
Read the Full Review on FindMySoft. Until the end of 2012 you can use the 33% discount-code FINDMYSOFT in our webshop if you decide to buy File Viking.
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