A request we often get is a way to convert TIFF files to PDF with WatchDirectory.
While WD does not have a native way to do this, you should be aware that WD's "Automatically Run a Batch File" plugin can do almost anything. If there is a command line tool available, WatchDirectory can "run it".
Anyway, we have found 2 ways to convert TIFF to PDF using command line tools. The batch scripts below should be started by WD's "run a batch file" plugin. It is also a good idea to create a filter so WD will only start the script for TIF and TIFF files.
ImageMagick and Ghostscript

ImageMagick is one of my favorite tools for image manipulation. If a format is not "natively" supported by ImageMagick, it can delegate to other tools. ImageMagick needs Ghostscript for PDF support.
Downloads needed:
ImageMagick, I currently use v6.5.1, available here:
Ghostscript, I currently use v8.6.3, available here:
The ImageMagick/Ghostscript script. Note you don't see any reference to Ghostscript, but it must be installed otherwise the script won't work.
@echo off IF "%WD_FILE_E%" NEQ "TIF" ( IF "%WD_FILE_E%" NEQ "TIFF" GOTO :EOF ) rem where is ImageMagick installed??? SET IMADIR=C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.5.1-Q16 "%IMADIR%\convert.exe" "%WD_FILE%" "%WD_FILE_D%\%WD_FILE_B%.pdf" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO :EOF rem if you want to remove the tiff after it has been converted rem uncomment (remove the "rem") the next line rem DEL "%WD_FILE%"

Another great tool, I didn't even know it supported command line conversions until Dirk (German language support) told me. You can download Irfanview here.
The Irfanview script:
@echo off IF "%WD_FILE_E%" NEQ "TIF" ( IF "%WD_FILE_E%" NEQ "TIFF" GOTO :EOF ) rem where is Irfanview installed??? SET IMADIR=C:\Program Files\irfanview "%IMADIR%\i_view32.exe" "%WD_FILE%" /convert="%WD_FILE_D%\%WD_FILE_B%.pdf" IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO :EOF rem if you want to remove the tiff after it has been converted rem uncomment (remove the "rem") the next line rem DEL "%WD_FILE%"
IrfanView settings

Current releases of IrfanView will prompt you with a little popup window (to preview the PDF). Obviously, you don't want that when you are automating the creation of PDF files.
Just start IrfanView, open a TIFF file and save it as PDF. Next to the "Save As" window, where you enter the pdf filename, is a little window where you should select the "not needed" option. From now on, the script above will not cause those prompts.
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