We have just released a new version of WatchFTP, our FTP monitor. This is a free upgrade for all customers who own a WatchFTP license. Just install this release "on top" of your current version so it will keep all settings and tasks.
What's new?
This releases fixes an obscure problem when you connect using a "strange" password. With "strange" meaning characters not found in the typical ANSI (a-z,A-Z,0-9) character set. If your FTP server supports the UTF-8 character set, WatchFTP would first connect using ANSI but switch to UTF-8 after this initial connect. When WatchFTP needed to re-connect again, it tried to do so using UTF-8, an encoding your FTP server doesn't expect for new connections.
On the "Advanced Settings" window you can now enter the character set to use while connecting, it will default to ANSI.